[mvapich-discuss] Invalid Communicator in MVAPICH2 1.2.0

Peter Cebull peter.cebull at inl.gov
Fri Aug 8 16:17:15 EDT 2008

I'm trying out the latest trunk version of MVAPICH2 to test the 
improvements in MPI_Allreduce. When I try running the Intel MPI 
allreduce benchmark I get errors similar to the following:

Fatal error in MPI_Comm_size:
Invalid communicator, error stack:
MPI_Comm_size(112): MPI_Comm_size(comm=0x5b, size=0x7fff852e0a90) failed
MPI_Comm_size(70).: Invalid communicator

I've seen these errors discussed on the mailing list but haven't seen a 
resolution. I've checked to make sure I'm not including an mpi.h from a 
previous release and I'm pretty sure I'm not. Any ideas on what's going 

Here's the configuration. . .

$ mpiname -a
MVAPICH2 1.2.0 Unofficial Build ch3:mrail

CC: icc  -DNDEBUG -O2
CXX: icpc  -DNDEBUG -O2
F77: ifort  -DNDEBUG -O2
F90: ifort  -DNDEBUG -O2

--prefix=/usr/local/mvapich2/mvapich2-trunk-2008-08-06/intel-opt CC=icc 
F77=ifort CXX=icpc F90=ifort

Here's the PBS script to launch the job. . .

#PBS -l select=64:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8
nprocs=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`
mpirun_rsh -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -n $nprocs ./MPI1_mvapich2 Allreduce


Peter Cebull
Idaho National Laboratory

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