[mvapich-discuss] MVAPICH-0.9.3 Infiniband 3000

Amit H Kumar AHKumar at odu.edu
Thu Aug 24 08:32:30 EDT 2006

Hi MVAPICH-0.9.3
I am trying to install the latest MVAPICH-0.9.3 with Infinicon's Infiniband
3000 switch.
When i make make.mvapich.gen2: Autodetection fails and lists the following
1) Mellanox PCI-Express (SDR)
2) Mellanox PCI-Express (DDR)
3) Mellanox PCI-X
4) Pathscale HT
5) IBM ehca

I am not sure to what kind of HCA device is  Infinicon's Infiniband 3000
switch, and If this latest version of MVAPICH-0.9.3 support it or not?

Thank you for any comments or feedback on this,

Thank you,

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