[mvapich-discuss] problem w/MVAPICH in the frames of Gen1

Mikhail Kuzminsky kus at free.net
Mon Aug 7 13:34:42 EDT 2006

In message from Sayantan Sur <surs at cse.ohio-state.edu> (Fri, 04 Aug 
2006 13:09:37 -0500):
>You may try to increase the maximum amount of lockable memory on your 
>system using the instructions given in:
>Can you please let us know what is the outcome of that?
Yes, of course !
FYI: for user "guest" I used in test 
max amount of locked memory is 859446 Kbytes. Hope this is enough.

I added the string
"guest soft memlock 2046260"
to /etc/security/limits.conf
and the string 
"ulimit -l 2046260"
in the start) part of sshd-script (although I run mpirun_rsh w/-rsh 
key). Then I rebooted the server, because I don't know how 
/etc/security/limits.conf works.

Unfortunately (after mpirun_rsh -rsh -np 1 ...) viainit.c fails at the 
same line 745 :-(


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