[mvapich-discuss] Solaris x86

lei chai chai.15 at osu.edu
Mon Apr 17 16:50:05 EDT 2006


Thank you for trying out MVAPICH-0.9.7. Please use mpirun_rsh instead of mpirun. And for using the uDAPL device, please specify an IAname, e.g.

/opt/mvapich/bin/mpirun_rsh -np 2 node1 node2 DAPL_PROVIDER="IAname" ./cpi

The IAname can be found in /etc/dat/dat.conf, it is the first field.

Hope this helps.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Di Domenico, Michael 
  To: mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu 
  Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 4:06 PM
  Subject: [mvapich-discuss] Solaris x86

  I'm trying to get Mvapich 0.9.7 to compile and run on Solaris 10 1/06 x86 using the GNU toolset downloaded from sunfreeware.com.


  I'm attaching the outputs from ./make.mvapich.udapl.


  Everything seems to compile, but I don't ever seem to get a mpirun.udapl file.  Any clue's that I missed from the make outputs?


  bash-3.00# cd /opt/mvapich/examples/

  bash-3.00# ls

  cpi          cpi.o        cpip.c       Makefile     MPI-2-C++    README

  cpi.c        cpilog.c     hello++.cc   Makefile.in  mpirun       simpleio.c

  bash-3.00# ./mpirun ./cpi

  Cannot find MPIRUN machine file for machine udapl

  and architecture solaris86 .

  (No device specified.)

  bash-3.00# sh -x ./mpirun ./cpi

  ..output truncated..

  + [ -x /opt/mvapich/bin/mpirun.udapl ] 

  + echo Cannot find MPIRUN machine file for machine udapl 

  Cannot find MPIRUN machine file for machine udapl

  + echo and architecture solaris86 . 

  and architecture solaris86 .

  + [ -n  ] 

  + echo (No device specified.) 

  (No device specified.)

  + exit 1 

  bash-3.00# ls /opt/mvapich/bin

  mpiCC                 mpiman                mpirun.args           mpirun_dbg.ddd        mpirun_dbg.xxgdb

  mpicc                 mpireconfig           mpirun.vapi           mpirun_dbg.gdb        mpirun_rsh

  mpichversion          mpireconfig.dat       mpirun.vapi.args      mpirun_dbg.ladebug    tarch

  mpicxx                mpirun                mpirun_dbg.dbx        mpirun_dbg.totalview  tdevice


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