MCLC: Changpian no. 20

MCLC LIST denton.2 at
Tue Jul 31 09:24:57 EDT 2018

Changpian no. 20
长篇 // Changpian // Longform
Welcome to the 20th edition of Changpian, a selection of feature and opinion writing in Chinese. With other resources devoted to the many interesting sound bites from Chinese social media, this newsletter focuses instead on some of the wealth of longer writing that is produced in Chinese, both in traditional news media and on platforms like WeChat. Changpian includes any nonfiction writing, from stories and investigations to interviews and blog posts, that I found worth my time – and that you might like as well. It aims to be relevant to an understanding of Chinese society today, covering topics in and outside the news cycle. The selection is put together by me, Tabitha Speelman, a Dutch journalist and researcher currently based in Leiden, The Netherlands. Feedback is very welcome (tabitha.speelman at or @tabithaspeelman). Back issues can be found here.
Lots of writing to choose from this month. Thanks for reading. Changpian will skip an issue and be back in October.
干货// Ganhuo // Dry Goods
In this section, I highlight any (loose) themes that stood out in my recent reading.
The on-going small explosion of Chinese writing on #MeToo and gender issues follows anew, large wave of sexual harassment accusations within higher education, civil society and the media. Many note the debate is surprisingly diverse and worthwhile. A couple of articles that stood out to me (and that I saw working links to):
An Initium piece in which several women involved in exposing harassment at 中山大学in Guangzhou explain their careful activism (see here for a WeChat version) predates this past week’s media storm. The women respond to gender studies scholar Huang Yingying, who wrote a more cautious piece on the movement for a policy journal calling for a ‘localized’ definition of sexual harassment.
Well-known liberal writer Liu Yu’s social media post on her ambivalent attitude towards #MeToo found (what seemed to be mostly older) fans but also triggered critical responses. On activist Ye Haiyan’s public account, a piece taking issue with Liu’s comparison of online accusations of harassment with 大字报. Blogger 北大飞 adds thatLiu’s emphasis on restraint and self-protection misses the point. He thinks this might have to do with China’s liberals’ focus on state power (dissident writer and “老男人” Mo Zhixu seems to agree). “中国的metoo很宝贵…请不要轻易毁掉它” ends another popular response to Liu.
Sociology PhD student Zoe Zhao unpacks the common but unnecessary expectation that social movements be beyond criticism in their values and practices. 刘宽Kiva writes a much-shared post explaining her perspective as a female self-declared “既得利益者”. See for more contributions this thread on new social media platform Matters, which has (re-)posted much of what is going around.
For background to today’s debate and a possible future agenda, I recommend this timelytwo-part 澎湃 interview with gender historian Wang Zheng, who notes that during China’s modernization much more changed for women than for men: “中国的现代化归根结底什么?是女人的现代化。女人从男主外女主内的这样一个农业社会的性别隔离的空间中走了出来, 中国女人的现代化就是中国的现代化(无法想像若今日女人还在性别隔离的社会中生存,中国会是啥样)。但是男人没变,过去是读书、做官、经商,现在还是读书、做官、经商 … 而女人则发生了天翻地覆的变化,从社会空间、活动范围到知识结构、主体身份全都变了.. 中国社会要真正实现现代化,就必须把男人也现代化,产生新的男性主体,然后我们的社会才能称得上是真正的现代化的社会.”
While one online article on three “vaccination kings” played a significant role in spreading the news of a new government investigation into substandard vaccinations, covering this news in Chinese media has reportedly been difficult and censorship widespread. One response to the lack of reliable information came in the form of several pessimistic (and cynical) takes on the news industry that spread beyond media circles. Former investigative reporter Wang Keqin wrote on his Weibo account that any praise for his previous work on vaccination scandals “说明太多的真相与悲剧难以报道出来”. On the same day, writer and former reporter Li Haipeng wrote a post looking back at a time when journalists still thought of their work as important and “cool”. Media researcher and – also – former journalist Fang Kecheng focused on what is still possible for journalists today, for instance in the realm of data journalism and cross-sector cooperation between media, art, academia and civil society.
其他好故事 // Gushi // More stories
Some other interesting stories.
1. 挣脱“枷锁”:出走大凉山的彝族女孩 – 后窗工作室 – Photographer 焦冬子 made this moving portrait of several young Yi migrant women over three years. Best story I’ve seen on the specific challenges these women face both in the city and at home.
2. 第313期:我是一名“生死中介” – 新闻酸菜馆 – Good 1-hour conversation on China’s donor registration system, which seems to still be very much in development. (Also findable on most podcast platforms.)
3. 中国版飞越疯人院:密谋十七年的逃亡 – 真实故事计划 – Reading about Dong Yaoqiong, who reportedly was sent to a psychiatric hospital after splashing ink on an image of president Xi, I remembered this story from earlier this year on a Shanghainese man who spent 17 years trying to get dismissed from a psychiatric ward. See also this piece in which young disability rights scholar Huang Yi tells about writing it, and this – separate – piece in which a petitioner reflects on her time in prison.
4. 一纸文件背后的中国乡村学校演变 -- 澎湃新闻  – Informative article on recent rural education policies trying to undo some of the effects of twenty years of widespread rural school merging. Haven’t seen much reporting on this yet.
5. 三聚氰胺10年,奶业洗牌和艰难的信心重建 – 界面 – Story looking back on ten years of reforms in the dairy sector following the melamine scandal in 2008. See also this slightly less balanced but more complete article focusing on the lasting impact on families with sick children, an angle 界面 didn’t seem to be able to take. Both stories agree the scandal is far from forgotten (as confirmed by how often it is referenced in the current vaccination crisis).
“单身女性应该拥有生育权”的呼声越来越高,如今我们面对怎样的现实?-- 好奇心日报 – Interesting article on activism for hukou rights reform for the children of single moms, prospects for which might be more promising now that the government is starting to encourage more births. (But see also this more theoretical piece on traditional expectations of marriage are making a comeback.)
这位未婚妈妈意外怀孕,后来与男友分手了,没有结婚,却因为条件不符无法在当地派出所为孩子上户. 她找上李珺打官司,案件进行地相当快速,才一个多月就结案,结果也是好的,孩子可以上户。
7. 自由主义的重生与政治德性 – Matters – Essay by writer 陈纯on trends in liberalism and public engagement in China.
8. 异乡人——Peter Goff:在北京开书店,我大概是个B级外国人 – 端传媒 – Profile of Irish owner of the Bookworm bookstore Peter Goff (paywall).
9. 工地上的“世界杯” -- 界面 -- If you are missing all the World Cup coverage, check out this article on how the tournament was experienced on one construction site in Fuzhou.
10. 特区 | 歌单 -- LMP声研单位 -- An interesting soundtrack to Beijing-based exhibition 长征计划:违章建筑三——特区”.
旧文// Jiuwen // Classic:
A piece of nonfiction writing that Chinese academics, writers, journalists -- or just me – think worth a read months, years or decades after its initial publication.
刘晓波:《中国政治与中国当代知识份子》后记 – Until this month, I hadn’t read much by Liu Xiaobo apart from Charter 08. With the first anniversary of his passing, I looked at some parts of his large body of writing. Apart from translated essays and (mostly 繁体) Chinese-language editions of his books, “刘晓波-刘霞网站” is a good resource, especially for shorter articles by the couple, sorted by genre and other categories.
Although Liu’s political commentary often makes use of West-China binary oppositions, I like how often he also writes about wanting to transcend these frames. The fragment below is from a self-reflective postscript to a 1989 book about Chinese intellectuals. The piece ends with a typically sharp typology of foreign China watchers. See also his 2006 analysis of “hostage diplomacy”, which now calls to mind recent diplomatic effortssurrounding Liu Xia’s move to Germany (“大陆的监狱中永远不缺与美国作交易的政治人质”).
Two other Chinese-language stories on Liu I appreciated this month: 1. A 端传媒article on participants in a seaside memorial ceremony last year and the harassment they still experience (no paywall). 2. An essay on Liu by Xu Zhiyuan from 2013. Liu’s PhD thesis on aesthetic experience, which Xu mentions, can also be downloaded from the 刘晓波-刘霞网站. Like all his writing it is very clear, despite drawing on a mind-boggling number of Chinese and Western thinkers. While mostly discussing very big issues, Liu’s voice is a personal one. Much like Xu, who wants to know Liu’s take on political events after his imprisonment, I kept wondering what he would write today.
by denton.2 at on July 31, 2018
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