MCLC: Domestic animals in Chinese culture--cfp

MCLC LIST denton.2 at
Fri Jul 29 09:18:43 EDT 2016

Domestic animals in Chinese culture–cfp
Hello, Would anyone like to participate with me on a panel for the 2017 AAS Toronto conference? I know it’s very late, but maybe there are other last-minute folk like me on this list?
Tentative title: “Domination and Affection: domestic animals in Chinese culture”
I am seeking to make a panel with other scholars working from a historical perspective on domestic and companion animals in China. Papers using cultural anthropology, etymology, and visual studies (art and artifacts) are most welcome.
Please submit to me a brief abstract by… next Wednesday August 3.
Thank you!
Claire Huot
University of Calgary
chuot at
clairehuot at
by denton.2 at on July 29, 2016
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