MCLC: China Perspectives--cfp

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Thu May 29 09:41:53 EDT 2014

From: Anne Henochowicz <anne at>
Subject: China Perspectives--cfp

Call for papers

China Perspectives and Perspectives Chinoises
Special Feature on Internet Governance in China

Deadline for proposals: 31 July 2014
Edited by Séverine Arsène, Ph.D,
author of Internet et politique en Chine (Karthala, 2011),
chief editor of China Perspectives

The exponential increase of Internet connectivity in China has generated a
great deal of journalistic and scholarly works, which have essentially
documented the emergence of the Internet as an unprecedented, though
censored, platform for public expression. Analyses have focused on the
emergence of online public opinion, youth popular cultures, online dissent
and civil society organizations, as well as their interactions with the
authorities and the media. Much attention has been paid to censorship and

Much less is known, however, about the more diversified forms of power
that are embedded in Internet governance, broadly conceived as the
incremental conception, implementation, regulation, management and uses of
Internet networks and services. Political positions and ideological
visions are embedded in technological choices, from the layout of physical
networks and routers to the development of applications like search
engines or expression platforms. The crafting, implementation and
interpretation of regulatory measures are also of crucial importance in
framing the users' agency, and so do business models, funding or pricing
issues among other aspects.

These issues are not only in the hands of central and local governments,
but also of a variety of more or less independent agencies like
registrars, self-regulation associations, private companies, individual
developers and hackers. Users, either individually or collectively, also
contribute to building the characteristics of the Chinese Internet, as
they may adopt or not online services, complain about particular features
or even use them in a way that was not foreseen by the developers or
regulators. In other words, these various aspects of Internet governance
offer insights on the complex and often ambiguous (power) relationships
between the local and central government, private actors and Chinese

It is all the more important to further document these aspects as China
has become more assertive on the global stage, and now strives to push
Chinese interests through technological standards, economic and cultural
domination and global Internet governance schemes. As a result, Chinese
positions carry increasing weight on such global issues as net neutrality,
copyright, privacy, or freedom of speech, to mention but a few.

China Perspectives thus plans to publish a special feature on Internet
governance in China, which will cover these aspects from a
multidisciplinary perspective, including law, political science, political
economy, political sociology, communication, or international relations.

Contributions are welcome on such topics as:

- the political and ideological foundations of Internet development in
- the political stakes of technological choices
- the central / local relationship within the Chinese administration and
Internet service providers
- the role of businesses
- the political economy of the Internet in China
- the motivations and stakes of the Chinese positions on global Internet
- innovative usage of Internet services, apps etc.
- the maker / hacker movement and its role in the development of the
Chinese Internet
(list not exhaustive)

In conformity with China Perspectives' editorial policy, papers should be
rigorous, original contributions to their respective disciplines, while
providing readable insights on contemporary China for the general public
and scholars from other scientific backgrounds.

Submissions are particularly welcome from researchers at an early stage of
their careers.

Format of submissions:

Full name, title and institutional affiliation
Contact details
800-1000 words abstract

Submissions must be sent to sarsene at .

Upon acceptation, full papers of 8000 words shall be written according to
China Perspectives' Style Guide, available on the CEFC website.

31 July 2014: deadline for proposals
15 August 2014: notification of accepted contributions
01 December 2014: deadline for full papers
Expected publication date: Summer 2015

All full papers will need to pass the double blind peer-review process.
Final acceptance of papers cannot be confirmed until their validation by
both peer-reviewers and the editorial committee.

More info: Welcome to the CEFC <>

Welcome to the CEFC <>The French Centre for
Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) is a publicly funded research
institute, based in Hong Kong, where it was established in 1991. ...

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