MCLC: "terrorism" in Kunming (8,9)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Sat Mar 8 09:36:46 EST 2014

From:  Jason McGrath <jmcgrath at>
Subject: "terrorism" in Kunming (8)

The naive reader may have thought that my earlier post was trying to make
a point about how the media frames a story like the Kunming attacks
through methods including the words that are used, the quotes that are
included, and the ideas that are given the last word in a piece.

Paul Mooney, however, has quite cleverly divined my real positions, which
(just for starters) include the idea that the situations of Muslims in
China and the US are identical in every respect, and that Chinese citizens
should have no right to express their opinions. (Please read his response
for a much longer and more damning summary of all my heretofore secret

Seriously, let's keep MCLC as a space for informed intellectual discussion
in which we are generous enough to grant each other the credibility of our
intentions, and let's leave to the internet message board trolls the
absurd idea that we must take sides in an imaginary contest between China
and the USA to see which one is more full of violence and injustice. There
is plenty to go around!



From: pjmooney <pjmooney at>
Subject: "terrorism" in Kunming (9)

My last comment on this as we’ve probably exhausted what can be said on
both sides. But please notice that Want China Times, of Taiwan, put
“terrorist attack” in quotation marks, and it’s not a Western media
organization. And remember too that the SCIO yesterday called it a “knife
attack” and said nothing about terrorism.


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