MCLC: Challenging History--cfp

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Mon Feb 17 08:54:18 EST 2014

From: Fred Green <fhgreen at>
Subject: Challenging History--cfp

RMMLA 2014 Call For Papers

The 2014 convention will be held in Boise, Idaho from October 9th - 11th.

Challenging History from the Margins - Historicizing the Margin from the
Center: Sinophone Literature and the Specter of History

Over the past decades, writers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese
diaspora have frequently engaged in literary projects that have challenged
conventional sinocentric notions of history, nation, race and ethnicity,
or that have offered alternative interpretations of established historical
genres, such as biographies and official histories. At the same time, a
number of PRC writers have embarked on literary projects that have
attempted to redefine China¹s relationship to post-handover Hong Kong, a
democratic Taiwan, or its own periphery, such as Tibet or Xinjiang. This
panel seeks to explore Sinophone literary articulations of the twentieth
and twenty-first centuries that engage with the question of how to
historicize the relationships between China and the various territories
that are home to large Chinese-speaking populations, and how these
populations have defined and redefined their relationship to China and the
world through various literary genres. We welcome papers that focus on
works in Chinese from the various Sinophone territories, including the
PRC, that explore Chinese, sinophone, or world history through
biographies, historical fiction or fictionalized histories and that blur
the lines between past and present, periphery and center, fiction and

Please submit a proposal of no more than 250 words to Frederik Green
(fgreen at by March 15, 2014.Notice of acceptance or rejection will
be given by March 30, 2014.

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