MCLC: Counterfeit Capital--cfp

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Tue Oct 29 10:23:49 EDT 2013

From: Shaoling Ma < at>
Subject: Counterfeit Capital--cfp

Counterfeit Capital seminar
Call for Papers
ACLA Conference

Organizers: Shaoling Ma (Pennsylvania State University), Andrea Bachner
(Cornell University)

Ours is an age of the copy—not only because new technologies have
naturalized (real or virtual) duplication, but because the theories we
live and think by have ushered in the death of the origin(al). And yet,
some mechanisms and processes of reproduction appear more duplicitous than
others, avatars of “bad resemblances” whose interpretation of the original
– by way of fakery, piracy, inter- or cross-cultural derivation – forces
us to reexamine persisting hegemonic configurations that distinguish
between originals and imitations. For what makes us perceive difference as
difference (rather than as resemblance); and what politics determine which
resemblance should be celebrated and which denigrated? In the context of
global capitalism the conjunction of economic pragmatics and prejudiced
cultural politics produce and frame certain forms of duplication. But can
there be any capital or capitalization (economic, political, cultural,
theoretical) without duplication?

This seminar is an attempt to reconsider different forms of duplication in
their concrete medial forms as well as in their specific (trans-)cultural,
historical, and social contexts to critically rethink the rhetoric of “bad
resemblance” across cultures and disciplines.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

* Virtuality, simulation, virality
* Processes of knowledge transfer and piracy
* Copyright and copyright violations
* Intercultural politics of copying or imitation
* Transmedial forms of duplication
* Interdisciplinary theories of duplication
* Rereadings of theories of duplication (translation, imitation, mimesis,
mimicry, derivation)

SEMINAR KEYWORDS: Reproduction, duplication, imitation, mimicry,
simulation, knowledge transfer, translation, piracy, mediality,

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