MCLC: no persecution in Anti-rightist movement (2)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Tue May 21 10:23:44 EDT 2013

From: Sean Macdonald <smacdon2005 at>
Subject: no persecution in Anti-Rightist movement (2)

Thanks for posting the original Li Shenming article.

I haven't had a chance to read comments that debate this text, but I would
be interested to hear how this piece could be reduced to one reference, a
passing remark about the Anti-Rightist movement. Comments are just as
telling in their selectivity sometimes. The piece as a whole seems to be a
revisionist reading of the entire "Mao Zedong period" (毛泽东时期). There is
not a whiff of reference to the Cultural Revolution for example (unless
the denunciation of any criticisms of mistakes made in Mao's later years
is read that way). 

I must admit I find such discourse illuminating, especially the way the
writer ironically uses Foucault's supposed theory of "power" or
"control"(?) (控制)of people's memories (人民的记忆)to criticize the U.S.
the McCarthy era, while at the same time clearly setting out strict rules
(or warnings) about discussion of CPC history (o those enemies with their
contrary ideas). 

Such irony would appear to be entirely unintentional. Or just silly.
Depending on the reader's perspective (or complicity).


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