MCLC: Canadian performs Tiger Mt. (1)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Wed Feb 13 09:43:22 EST 2013

From: Sean Macdonald <smacdon2005 at>
Subject: Canadian performs Tiger Mt. (1)

After reading this, I sort of feel bad for the Canadian opera singer. But
it does seem to fit a pattern, Dion singing "Molihua," this unknowing
opera singer singing "Tiger Mountain." As to the production of cultural
revolution operas, Chen's "Acting the Part" is worth a look.

The whole problem with "propaganda" is not just that it exists. Because we
know it does, inaugurations, musical spectacles, football games, all could
be seen as types of propaganda. But if an ad sells beer well, it is seen
as successful. Selling other attitudes or ideas are more difficult to
gauge. Even if foreigners are enlisted, I wonder what concepts arias from
"Taking Tiger Mountain" will elicit besides a nostalgic feeling for "those
days now thankfully gone, but the music had its moments."

Brian Eno claimed to have seen some postcards of a revolutionary Chinese
opera in a shop window in the early 1970s when he made this album, the
title track of which is "Taking Tiger Mountain." I think there's a Jameson
article about the use of images of revolutionary China.

All the best,


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