MCLC: British women 'beaten and stranded' (3)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Thu Aug 29 09:39:05 EDT 2013

From: Martin Winter <dujuan99 at>
Subject: British women 'beaten and stranded' (3)

Thank you very much for the comments, Sean and Li Linsen! I thought about
starting an Avaaz-petition. I have not done it before, but they say it is
very easy and straightforward. On the other hand, wouldn't it be better if
someone in Britain did something to generate more attention there? Maybe
The story has been reported in British media already. I haven't noticed,
but everyone seems to be occupied with the imminent Western strafaktion in
Syria. Anyway, if no-one has done so already, and if nothing has happened
in a few days, I will try and start a petition. Avaaz has done a lot in
many places.


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