MCLC: May Fourth lit and punctuation (1)

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Sun Feb 12 14:53:43 EST 2012

From: eva chou <choues at>
Subject: May Fourth lit and punctuation (1)

Back in August, Lucas Klein wrote:

"I remember reading in Ding Ling's "Miss Sophia's Diary" (as translated by
Tani Barlow) a section where Sophia, describing letter-writing, mentions
writing the text and then adding in all the appropriate punctuation
afterwards. And yet looking for this passage on a recent re-reading, I
couldn¹t find it (did I miss it? I was going pretty fast)Š does anyone
know of any other story, by Ding Ling or someone else from her era, that
mentions the hassle of punctuating?"

A belated answer - the girl cousin in Ba Jin's Family studies the
punctuation in New Youth to learn its ins and outs. Near the beginning of
the novel, after the gathering in the oldest brother's office.

Best regards,

Eva S. Chou

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