MCLC: Red Chamber adaptation

Denton, Kirk denton.2 at
Sat Aug 4 10:25:01 EDT 2012

From: kirk (denton.2 at
Subject: Red Chamber adaptation

Source: NPR (7/15/12):

In 'Red Chamber,' A Love Triangle For The Ages

Before most readers in China learned of Romeo and Juliet, they were
captivated by a love triangle between a boy and his two female cousins.

It's the "single most famous love triangle in Chinese literary history,"
says author Pauline A. Chen <>, who's written the
latest retelling of the tale of Jia Baoyu and his cousins Lin Daiyu and
Xue Baochai. The three characters form the central love story of the
Chinese novel Hong Lou Meng, often translated as Dream of the Red Chamber
in English.

Chen's adaptation of the 18th-century novel shortens both the title (to
The Red Chamber) and the notoriously long plot in hopes of introducing
more English readers to a Chinese classic.

Boiling Down The Story

The original tale, by Cao Xueqin, follows the decline of a well-to-do
family at a time in China when an emperor still lived in the Imperial
Palace, marriages were arranged and romances between cousins were socially

The novel features 400-plus characters, and the full English translation
is more than 2,500 pages long. The book is so multilayered that it even
has its own academic field, known as Redology. But Chen's adaptation boils
down the original story to focus, in part, on that famous triangle that
just about everyone in China knows.

Here's the Cliffs Notes version: Boy meets girl No. 1; then boy meets girl
No. 2. Boy likes them both, but he's in love with girl No. 1. So [spoiler
alert] when the boy is forced into an arranged marriage with girl No. 2,
tragedy ensues.

The Chinese 'Gone With The Wind'?

Chen says it's a story that American readers may recognize; she sees a
"strange resemblance" between the novel and Margaret Mitchell's Gone With
the Wind.

Hidden In A College Library
For decades, the earliest known manuscript of Dream of the Red Chamber,
dated 1754, was housed at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.

In 1962, the so-called Jiaxu manuscript, which belonged to the late
Chinese diplomat, scholar and Cornell graduate Hu Shih
ws>, was "deposited" at the university's rare book and manuscript
collections, according to Cornell archivist Elaine Engst. Hu's family
reclaimed the manuscript in 2004.

There's no roguish Rhett Butler to further complicate the love triangle of
Dream of the Red Chamber. But both novels do follow the decline of an
upper-class family and, Chen says, both share a similar tension between
their female protagonists.

"In Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara is desperately jealous of Melanie
Wilkes for most of the book because she loves Ashley Wilkes, Melanie's
husband," Chen explains. "But then by the end of the book, when Melanie
dies, suddenly Scarlett realizes how much they have gone through together,
and that her bond to Melanie is far stronger than what she felt for

Chen says Scarlett and Melanie remind her ofDream of the Red Chamber's Lin
Daiyu and Xue Baochai, who also strike a complicated friendship despite
their love for the same man. Their relationship inspired Chen to write her
own version of the story with a new, less tragic ending.

'Ways A Chinese Woman Could Be'

Chen, who has taught college courses on Dream of the Red Chamber, says
early readers of the novel immediately took sides on its love triangle.

"Some people liked Lin Daiyu and they loved her spontaneity, her
expressivity, her passion," Chen says.

"But some people hated her because actually she's also very petty and gets
really angry and always goes off in hissy fits over relatively small

In contrast, Xue Baochai is depicted as "even tempered, kind, generous,"
Chen says. "I think right away, these two women represented kind of the
two ways a Chinese woman could be."

Banned In China

While it was first published more than two centuries ago, Dream of the Red
Chamber still has generations of fans today. Sasha Gong, who heads the
China branch at the international broadcaster Voice of America, has read
it so many times she can recite passages by heart. She says she first read
it as a young teenager in China during the Cultural Revolution.

"When I read it in the early 1970s or late 1960s, it was banned," Gong
recalls. "But everybody still loved it."

In his youth, even Chairman Mao Zedong was an avid reader of the novel. At
one point, Chinese communists celebrated the book for its depictions of
bourgeois decadence and of arranged marriages as a backward institution of
feudal China.

Still, Gong says, "Mao loved a lot of things, [but] he banned everything,"
especially during the Cultural Revolution, when reading practically
anything except Chairman Mao's "Little Red Book" became a political crime.
But that wasn't the first time Dream of the Red Chamber was deemed a "bad"
book to read. Before the Chinese Communist Party came into power and
banned arranged marriages in 1950, parents would often tell their children
to stay away from a book that seemed to encourage romantic free will.

A 'Dirty' Classic

Chen says the novel has always stood out in Chinese literature for
depicting a romance that was more a meeting of souls than lust.

"And I think that that type of romantic love is an expression of
individualism and free choice and personal choice," Chen says. "Even
today, China is a society in which Confucianism is still fairly important,
and Confucianism is something that emphasizes roles based on hierarchies.
And so I think, still, the idea of free love and free choice outside the
family is something that's very compelling."

The Chinese government lifted its ban on the novel after the Cultural
Revolution, and it's now held up as one of China's greatest literary
treasures. Casting for its latest television adaptation even inspired a
reality competition <> on
state-sponsored television in Beijing.
But grandparents can be a different story. Catherine Chen (no relation to
Pauline Chen) has readDream of the Red Chamber twice, first as a middle
schooler in China, against her grandmother's wishes.

"My grandma said it's not a good novel," Chen, 24, recalls. "She said it's
dirty [and] that I shouldn't read [it], especially [a] young girl like me."

But Chen says she likes the book anyway. So have generations of readers in
China. And now, perhaps, readers in America will too.

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