[ElectronicsClub] Northrop Grumman Dinner

Rubin, Connor S. rubin.191 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Wed Feb 21 09:57:00 EST 2018

Hi guys,

The NG dinner is tomorrow night, and one of their representatives wanted me to pass along the information. They sponsor electronics club and are looking to network with/recruit club members, which makes it great opportunity to get your foot in the door before the Expo in the fall.

Here are the details:

Northrop Grumman would like to invite you our Evening with Engineering Event, to be held on Thursday 2/22 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in Baker Systems room 188. Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP using the following link if you will be in attendance:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9brM4XxcCsp_UrmQclVc4K7ugi3zmkU2gkVxeukgDwLBzqQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

This event will be a hybrid information session on Northrop Grumman and series of higher-level tech talks that focus on the software and hardware (electrical) engineering fields that form the foundation of our business. The emphasis will be more on the technical side than the ‘What are the benefits and culture at Northrop?’ that you’d see in a dedicated information session in the heat of recruiting season.

Personnel from the Cincinnati and Baltimore Northrop Grumman sites will be in attendance and are excited to make connections with you in preparation for the upcoming recruiting season coming early next fall. Hiring software (embedded and cyber) engineers and hardware (both digital and RF) engineers for the growing needs of our business is driving us to start the process far earlier than usual this year. It’s an exciting time to be with the company, as the opportunities continue to expand!

[cid:7E19FD39-522E-4EDC-9419-C4C6E9D957F9 at osuwireless.ohio-state.edu]

Connor Rubin
President - Electronics Club
College of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering
rubin.191 at osu.edu<mailto:rubin.191 at osu.edu>

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