[Drupal] DrupalCamp Ohio Needs Support

Jason Little little.129 at osu.edu
Tue Sep 27 17:32:20 EDT 2011

As many of you are aware, on December 3rd, Ohio State is hosting the first
ever Drupal Camp in Ohio.  

http://drupalcampohio.org <http://drupalcampohio.org/> 


Angie Byron (D7 co-maintainer) will be giving the keynote in person.  In
addition, there are tentative plans to pull in a second remote keynote from
Ryan Szrama (Ubercart, Commerce), who will be speaking at a Detroit Camp
that same day.  These are A-list celebrities in the Drupal world.  It
doesn't get much better than this.


Registration is free.  However, the event is being paid for via
sponsorships.  At last check, we still need to raise around $5,000-$6,000.
For external donors, there are three different sponsorship levels ($500,
$1000, and $1500).


If you are wondering how you could sell your area on an organizational
contribution, one good way of looking at this is as a personal development
opportunity.  Compared to a typical corporate training event, the $500
sponsorship level is fairly cheap (especially since the event is on a
Saturday).  In addition, the camp will be a much more valuable experience
than you would get at a typical corporate training event.   


If you prefer an economic argument, we expect approximately 100-200
attendees from Ohio and surrounding states with people coming from both
industry and academia.  This is a rare opportunity to establish Ohio State
as a leader and facilitator for a platform that has become fairly important
to large numbers of Ohio businesses and institutions.  


If you don't think you can raise $500, please try to give what you can.
Every bit helps.  


To make a contribution, please contact Vedu Hariths, who is coordinating the
event on the OSU side.


Vedu Hariths

OCIO Learning Technology

hariths.1 at osu.edu



Thanks for any assistance you can provide.



Jason Little

College of Engineering


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