[Comicsstudiessociety] CSS Listserv Upgrade (and the end of this one!)

Jeremy Carnes Jeremy.Carnes at ucf.edu
Thu Jun 15 15:42:48 EDT 2023

Dear Comics Studies Community:

The CSS Listserv is being upgraded! We are moving to a platform–mobilize.io–that is part social media site and part listserv to hopefully create a more engaging and useful space for everyone! Mobilize will also be central to the hybrid experience for CSS 2023; so, if you plan to join us for the conference (whether in-person or online), we encourage you to join as soon as you can!

You can follow the link below for more information, to sign up for the CSS mobilize.io, and to see guides and videos for using the platform!

We will be transitioning away from this listserv, which has been so generously provided by Ohio State University, by the end of July (just after the conference). This listserv will be fully shutdown on July 31st, 2023.

A few important notes about this platform:

  *   Mobilize allows for subgroups, which CSS will use for the Graduate Student Caucus, CSS cohorts, committees, etc.

  *   You do NOT have to be a dues-paying member of CSS to join the CSS listserv group

  *   You MUST be a dues-paying member to join any other CSS group on mobilize

  *   Please make sure to familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://comicsstudies.org/css-listserv-mobilize/__;!!KGKeukY!2furNvNMqCWB1PecLQ-KuAVMCrwEHq8Jc-fFkuqlFERNQhlW0X94hHTd_WKe7YoA-YKdJ3WhBBq8Alza2G_Y3SqPmhUYJ6bVbuCr3Q$ > and Code of Conduct<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://comicsstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/CSS-Code-of-Conduct.pdf__;!!KGKeukY!2furNvNMqCWB1PecLQ-KuAVMCrwEHq8Jc-fFkuqlFERNQhlW0X94hHTd_WKe7YoA-YKdJ3WhBBq8Alza2G_Y3SqPmhUYJ6ax4tHIKg$ >

  *   If you feel you might need tech aid for this platform, please email us at comicsstudiesorg at gmail.com<mailto:comicsstudiesorg at gmail.com>. We will hold troubleshooting meetings if/as needed!


Jeremy Carnes


On Behalf of the Comics Studies Society Executive Board
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