[Comicsstudiessociety] Seeking “Member-at-Large” for Grad Student Caucus 2022-2023

Zach Rondinelli z.rondinelli at outlook.com
Fri Aug 26 11:31:06 EDT 2022

Good Afternoon Comics Scholars,

   We hope that you have all had a fun, safe, and healthy summer! While this email is specifically intended for members of the Graduate Student Caucus of the Comics Studies Society, we would request that senior members of CSS share this call widely with those within your communities/networks who may wish to become involved with the GSC. Membership in the GSC is defined within our newly revised and ratified constitution as the following:

4.1 All currently enrolled graduate students, newly admitted graduate students, graduate students between programs, and scholars engaged in postdoctoral research who are members of CSS are de facto members of the GSC. Graduate students between programs are defined as members who have received the receipt of a graduate degree (within the last three years) and are in the process of or intend on applying to doctoral programs.

4.2 All GSC members retain their membership in the Caucus for three years following the receipt of their (terminal or non-terminal) graduate degree under the condition that they maintain their membership with CSS.


The Graduate Student Caucus of the Comics Studies Society is seeking a “Member-at-Large” for the 2022-2023 Executive Committee

   We, the Executive Committee of the Comics Studies Society Graduate Student Caucus, are writing today because we are looking for candidates interested in an appointment to the position of Member-at-Large on our 2022-2023 Executive Board. All members of CSS who meet the above outlined GSC membership criteria are encouraged to apply.

   The appointment would begin immediately and would involve the following commitments:

  *   Attendance at monthly Executive meetings
  *   Collaboration on 2022-2023 Mentorship Program and 2022-2023 Professional Development Activities
  *   Engagement with graduate students across social media platforms
  *   Providing advice and aid to the officers of the Executive Committee

   The appointment would expire at the end of our Executive year (July). The appointed member may, if they choose, run during the annual CSS Election Cycle in order to continue their work with the GSC.

    If this sounds like something you might like to pursue, please email cssgscpresident at gmail.com<mailto:cssgscpresident at gmail.com> by September 9, 2022, with a brief bio and a few sentences regarding your interest in and preparation for the position. If you yourself are not interested, but you know of someone who might be, please pass along this email and encourage them to respond with their interest.

   We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration!


2022-2022 CSS GSC Executive Committee

Zachary J.A. Rondinelli, President

Sydney Heifler, Vice-President

Maite Urcaregui, Secretary-Treasurer

Frida Heitland, Member-At-Large

Katlin Marisol Sweeney-Romero, Social Media Specialist
Austin Kemp, Web Editor

Zachary J.A. Rondinelli, M.A., B.Ed., B.Mus
Ph.D. Student [Educational Studies], Brock University
President, Graduate Student Caucus of the Comics Studies Society
#WelcomeToSlumberland<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://zrondinelli.wixsite.com/welcometoslumberland/about__;!!KGKeukY!3g22PXV0oceG16nudznlYn8UE6cu2EkmSxrRHbAVMTj44dJuS30d-N-hFWGb5M-TDwI5yMl-B2sjPiyupRAQsgAiPt6ZmMK0zQtF$  > Social Media Research, Principal Investigator (@LittleNemo1905<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.twitter.com/LittleNemo1905__;!!KGKeukY!3g22PXV0oceG16nudznlYn8UE6cu2EkmSxrRHbAVMTj44dJuS30d-N-hFWGb5M-TDwI5yMl-B2sjPiyupRAQsgAiPt6ZmAvpz2_S$  >)

“Comicbook should be written as one word… I want you to remember that. I never want to see the word comicbook written as two words. They are not funny books. They are not comic books, they are comicbooks! Remember that, or incur my wrath.”  -  Stan Lee

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