[Comicsstudiessociety] Comics and adaptation/appropriation?

Michael Torregrossa, Saving the Day: Accessing Comics in the Twentieth-first Century savingtheday2020 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 20:30:41 EDT 2022

Hello, everyone,

I've been off-list for a while and was hoping (either on the list or off)
for suggestions on studies (or preexisting bibliographies) related to the
ways comics have adapted and/or appropriated literary texts.

I'm in the planning stages for a collection with Nick Katsiadas and Carl
Sell, and I'd like to include some sort of bibliographic guide. (The initial
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://accessing-comics-in-the-21st-century.blogspot.com/2022/03/cfp-classics-illustrated-adaptation-and.html__;!!KGKeukY!knL-PELcki71Dbfevb2VYnPjqiQnS7APOgb0VzIYw1fhe0EN4fIOJk1rkS7gwXZQe0W3tY6bQVHx$ >is
online, but we need to retitle, I think.)

So far, I've got the contents of *Drawn from the Classics* and  *Comics and
Adaptation* and the two-volume *Classics and Comics* plus I've slowly been
adding items from the *BOBC *(though mostly--right now--around my research
interests: medieval and gothic lit).

Thanks for your help,

Michael A. Torregrossa

Saving the Day: Accessing Comics in the Twenty-first Century

The Medieval Comics Project

The Arthur of the Comics Project
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