[CaCL] Cognitive and Computational Approaches to Language (CaCL) Discussion Group: Thursdays 12:45 on Zoom

Schuler, William schuler.77 at osu.edu
Tue Aug 24 13:41:38 EDT 2021


The first CaCL meeting will be a guest lecture by Nathan Schneider!  Abstract below.

You (anyone!) can attend through the following Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/91749474727?pwd=aFIyVDBvMGFGVEZZSXF2M3FmKzgvQT09

Squirrel or Skunk? NLP Models Face the Long Tail of Language
Natural language is chock-full of rare events, which can challenge NLP models based on supervised learning. I will present advances in modeling and evaluation of "long tail" phenomena in grammar and meaning: retrieving rare senses of words; tagging words with complex syntactic categories (TACL 2021)<http://people.cs.georgetown.edu/nschneid/papers.html#pubs_cxvccg>; and calibrating model confidence scores for sparse tagsets.
This is joint work with Luke Gessler, Michael Kranzlein, Nelson Liu, Jakob Prange, and Vivek Srikumar.

Nathan Schneider<http://nathan.cl> is an annotation schemer and computational modeler for natural language. As Assistant Professor of Linguistics<http://linguistics.georgetown.edu/> and Computer Science<http://cs.georgetown.edu/> at Georgetown University, he looks for synergies between practical language technologies and the scientific study of language. He specializes in broad-coverage semantic analysis: designing linguistic meaning representations, annotating them in corpora, and automating them with statistical natural language processing techniques. A central focus in this research is the nexus between grammar and lexicon as manifested in multiword expressions and adpositions/case markers. He has inhabited UC Berkeley (BA in Computer Science and Linguistics), Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D. in Language Technologies), and the University of Edinburgh (postdoc). Now a Hoya<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoya_Saxa> and leader of NERT<http://nert.georgetown.edu/>, he continues to play with data and algorithms for linguistic meaning.

From: "Schuler, William" <schuler.77 at osu.edu>
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 9:18 PM
To: "cacl at ling.osu.edu" <cacl at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>, "lingosu at ling.osu.edu" <lingosu at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: Cognitive and Computational Approaches to Language (CaCL) Discussion Group: Thursdays 12:45 on Zoom

Hello all,

The reading group on Cognitive and Computational Approaches to Language (CaCL) will meet Thursdays at 12:45 starting this week online on Zoom. The link is accessible via the Carmen site, and requires name.# authentication. If you do not want to enroll, but would still like to attend, please send me email to either make you a Carmen guest or send you a Zoom invitation. Topics include: broad-coverage computational models of sentence processing in human memory, computational models of human memory, statistical modeling for human linguistic performance data, neural sentence processing models, Bayesian induction models, experimental techniques in neurolinguistics and brain imaging, and much more. The first session will be an organizational meeting, during which we will vote on papers to discuss (feel free to suggest any papers you'd like to discuss!). We will read papers and give software tutorials and practice talks all semester. Please join us!

Also, if you are a student this summer, and you are planning to attend, please enroll for 1-3 credits: CaCL is listed as "LING 7890.12”.

You can also sign up for the CaCL mailing list at https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/cacl, which continues to serve the regular CaCL reading group throughout the academic year.

Hope to see you there!


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