[CaCL] Future readings

Rebecca Morley morley at ling.ohio-state.edu
Tue Jan 17 19:45:52 EST 2012

Hey guys,

Just to follow up for people who were there today, and to explicate my last email for those who weren't: I've put together a not completely random selection of readings that are of potential interest to the group.  Certain of these can stand in for a large body of research, and can be exchanged for some other article from the same area if desired.

Anyway, I'm asking everyone to rank the list (now helpfully numbered): a score of 10 = definitely read, 0= no interest whatsoever.  You don't have to give everything a number, and you can give more than one thing the same number.  I would also love to get suggestions if anyone has any.  I will tabulate your responses and then assert benevolent dictatorship rights on the final selection.  We can also reassess as we go along.

We're still looking for a regular room, but there is some hope that Room 24 may be available.  Stay tuned.


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