[CaCL] Spring Quarter scheduling & first meeting

Fred Mailhot fmailhot at ling.osu.edu
Fri Mar 25 15:44:39 EDT 2011

Dear all,

On the basis of the responses I received for the CaCL scheduling Doodle 
poll sent out previously, CaCL will be scheduled as follows for the 
Spring quarter:

WHEN: Friday 10:00-11:18
WHERE: Pomerene 208

(Apologies to those of you for whom this scheduling is inconvenient, my 
priority was to maximise the probability/possibility of student attendance.)

For our first meeting (a week from now), I thought we could start with a 
video and do some administrative stuff i.e. scheduling the rest of the 

I've found a series of videos from a workshop on "Machine Learning and 
Cognitive Science of Language Acquisition" held in London in the summer 
of 2007. Please go to the following site and select 2 or 3 videos that 
interest you and email me the titles.


Note that there are long (45ish min) and short (25ish min) talks. I 
think we could either watch one long or two short videos, and still have 
time for discussion/comments, and administrivia.

See you next week!

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