[Vwoolf] Pargiters query

Anne Fernald fernald at fordham.edu
Wed Mar 24 12:43:54 EDT 2021

Dear Woolfians,

Does anyone have a copy of The Pargiters handy or know it well enough to
answer a copyediting question: is there any reason to capitalize "Speaker"
for the speaker in the novel? I don't believe so, Google books doesn't
suggest as much, but I wonder if I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance,


Anne E. Fernald <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.fordham.edu/info/24101/anne_fernald__;!!KGKeukY!hqrvD27tQXFHocxNUpYXg8idEMLzEJn46qfK0TxHxbXyVyParaKXVknBKcV47gYx-UI$ > (she/her)
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Special Advisor to the Provost for Faculty Development
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