[Vwoolf] Olivia Manning f.u.

Stuart N. Clarke stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 25 04:47:26 EDT 2020

'"What about Virginia Woolf?" | "I think 'Orlando' almost the worst book of the century." | "Really!  And 'To the Lighthouse'?" | Clarence wriggled in weary exasperation.  'It's all *right* - but all her writing is so diffused, so feminine, so sticky.  It has such an odd smell about it.  It's just like menstruation."
("The Great Fortune"*, Part Two "The Centre of Things", ch. 16, in "The Balkan Trilogy", London: Mandarin, 1990 (*1960), pp.187-88)

Stuart (Day 192)

From: Stuart N. Clarke via Vwoolf 
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:59 PM
To: vwoolf at lists.osu.edu 
Subject: [Vwoolf] Mrs Dalloway's dilemma

    “She was free to think her own thoughts.  She could develop her own mind.  Could she, after all, have borne with someone possessive, interfering ,jealous fellow who would have wanted her to account for every breath she breathed?
    “Not for long.
    “In an imperfect world marriage was making do with what one had chosen.”
                                                                            (almost the end of Olivia Manning’s ”The Levant Trilogy” (3rd vol. 1st pub’ 1980)

Stuart (Day 191)
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