[Vwoolf] Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources

Stuart N. Clarke stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 30 07:52:16 EST 2020

These sorts of collections are particularly relevant to university libraries who don’t take much in the way of literary periodicals, but even a library with an extensive collection (e.g. Senate House, U of London) won’t have all of these articles.

I shudder at the thought of the amount of work involved in compiling the 4 vols.

When Eleanor McNees’s 4-vol. “Critical Assessments” came out in 1994, I insouciantly asked a friend who had a set to photocopy the articles I didn’t have.  I have felt guilty ever since – there were almost 60!  In practice, the most useful of the articles for me has been (perhaps surprisingly) the transcript of the radio programme, "Portrait of Virginia Woolf" (1956).

I wonder if I can do better with this set:

Volume 1: 1975-1984
14 articles: 12 obtained, 1 knew about, 1 never heard of 

Volume 2: 1985-1994
20: 18 obtained, 2 knew about 

Volume 3: 1995-2004
17: 10 obtained, 7 knew about

Volume 4: 2005-2015
23: 13 obtained, 4 knew about, 6 never heard of 

I like to think that (most of) the 7 that I’ve never heard of are extracts from books.

(Day 258)

From: Neverow, Vara S. via Vwoolf 
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 4:38 PM
To: vwoolf listerve 
Subject: [Vwoolf] Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources

Greetings to all,

Below is a live link to Blackwell's discounted set of the Bloomsbury Academic publication Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources: Vara Neverow (Vol. 1: 1975-1984), Jeanne Dubino (Vol. 2: 1985-1994), Kathryn Simpson (Vol. 3: 1995-2004), and Gill Lowe (Vol. 4: 2005-2014). The discount is significant, but the price is still daunting. 


     Virginia Woolf
      Bringing together over 70 influential critical articles, <i>Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources</i> is a collection of significant academic writing on the work of the great modernist writer, Virginia Woolf. Beginning with the academic rediscovery of Woolf in the mid-1970s, this collection charts the development of Woolf scholarship up to 2015. It comprises examinations of Woolf's fiction and non-fictional writing, important manuscript and archival discoveries and biographical analyses, as well as critical work on Woolf's feminism, aesthetics and cultural writing. Each volume includes a substantial contextualising introduction surveying Woolf studies in the decade covered. <i>Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources </i>is an essential academic resource for scholars and common readers alike.

And some good news for those of us in the United States: 
 Includes delivery to USA

I am not certain what this statement means regarding the 10 copies available online. 

 10 copies available online - Usually dispatched within 7 days

Best wishes,


Vara Neverow
Department of English
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515
neverowv1 at southernct.edu

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