[Vwoolf] Virtual and in-person contacts

Elisa Sparks sparks at clemson.edu
Fri Aug 7 13:53:41 EDT 2020

Dear All--

I am hoping that this international social distancing will teach us new ways to stay in touch and exchange ideas.  Frankly, I have been MORE in touch with my colleagues during this enforced isolation than ever before.  And yet, no matter how much pleasure I get from seeing familiar faces and talking to people, I don't feel these virtual contacts are an adequate substitute for the real conviviality  of our annual conferences.  I remain committed to the hope that we will once again be able to meet in person-- with a wider, more inclusive community, extended by the methods of connection we are creating now.

I have been hosting a social get-together via Zoom on the second Thursday of the month, and Ben Hagen, Drew Shannon and Shilo Rae are hosting a Zoom Woolf Salon on the 4th Thursday with more specific research subjects. (E-mail mentioned individuals to be added to invitation lists).  Also, I have been participating regularly in the Literature Cambridge on-line study sessions which connect me to a new group of trans-Atlantic Woolf friends. https://www.literaturecambridge.co.uk/
Literature Cambridge<https://www.literaturecambridge.co.uk/>
Literature Cambridge is an independent educational organisation providing top quality courses on the best of English literature. Our courses are taught by leading academics and are open to all. Online Study Sessions. We love to bring people together to study literature.
Elisa Kay Sparks
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