[Vwoolf] Grant and Keynes--Problem with Dates in Citations

danelljones at bresnan.net danelljones at bresnan.net
Tue Aug 4 14:55:15 EDT 2020

There are some letters in the British Library between DG and JMK about DG's
new relationship with Duncan, but I am finding a discrepancy of dates in the
sources I have. I believe they were exchanged in 1909, but was wondering if
anyone can verify that for me?


According to MacGibbon, Adrian's biographer, they were sent 18 and 19
December 1909. 


December 18, Keynes writes, "You're married to Adrian now, which you weren't


December 19, Grant writes, "I certainly am not always wishing to be with
Adrian.when I am as certain as I am of Adrian's affection for me."


However, Spalding (following Skidelsky) cites the Keynes as 17 December


I can't get to the BL right now..so if someone has any insight here, I would
be very grateful!



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