[Vwoolf] CFP for Virginia Woolf Miscellany: VW in the Modern Machine Age

Martin, Ann ann.martin at usask.ca
Tue Feb 10 12:20:46 EST 2015

Just a reminder that submissions for the Fall 2015 issue of the Virginia Woolf Miscellany, "Virginia Woolf in the Modern Machine Age," are requested by 31 March 2015.  Please find the CFP below.

Best wishes,

The Virginia Woolf Miscellany invites submissions of papers that address the role of everyday machines in the life and/or works of Virginia Woolf.  From typewriters and telephones to gramophones and the wireless; from motor-cars and combat aeroplanes to trains and department store elevators; from cameras and film projectors to ranges and hot-water tanks, the commonplace technologies of the modern machine age leave their trace on Bloomsbury.  To what extent are these and other machines represented, hidden, implied, avoided, embraced, or questioned by Woolf and her circle and characters?  What is the place of labour and mass production, or the role of the handmade or bespoke object, in the context of such technologies and the desires with which they are implicated?  What are the ramifications for the individual's everyday navigation of modernity, domesticity, and/or community?  Alternatively, what is the influence of everyday technologies on our own interactions with Woolf and her writings?  Please submit papers of no more than 2500 words to Ann Martin (ann.martin at usask.ca) by 31 March 2015.

Dr. Ann Martin
Assistant Professor
420 Arts Tower
Department of English
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK  S7N 5A5
(306) 966-5527
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