[Vwoolf] Darlings, am I a snob?

Stuart N. Clarke stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com
Sat Sep 15 10:13:39 EDT 2012

We really must do more research on VW and the Royal Family.

In “Street Haunting”, when the narrator imagines being in Mayfair, she concludes her reverie with “watching the moonlit cat creep along Princess Mary’s garden wall” (The Essays, Vol. IV, p. 486).

Princess Mary and her husband Lord Lascelles did indeed live in Mayfair, in Chesterfield House  -- “where the famous letters were penned” (Ward, Lock Guide to London, 1934, p. 129.  It was on the corner of South Audley Street and Curzon Street, and was demolished in 1937.


Another footnote is required.

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