[Somean] Changelings reading

Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu
Fri Aug 24 17:29:33 EDT 2018

As a reminder, Changelings meets Wednesdays 2:20-3:40 in Oxley 122. This is not a requirement for those of you signed up for So Mean as a course, but it should be a relevant and interesting discussion.


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Date: August 24, 2018 at 3:17:16 PM EDT
To: "Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn" <campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu<mailto:campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu>>

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Eckert 2018: reading

Hi all,

As we decided at the planning meeting, I selected some parts of Eckert's 2018 intellectual memoir for us to discuss next Wednesday. The book is a collection of her papers that illustrate her thinking over time together with autobiographical commentary that contextualizes her work. I suggest that we read chapters 2 (pg. 15--27) and 5 (66--79). The two papers reprinted in those chapters are:

a) Diglossia: separate and unequal (1980, Linguistics)
b) Variation and a sense of place (2004, in Sociolinguistic Variation: Critical Reflections)

These represent the first two phases of Eckert's work and are somewhat distinct. But there are connections that she makes in the introduction to chapter 5 and in the paper that follows. I have attached a file that contains chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6 just so you have a better sense of what precedes and follows the actual reading.

Looking forward to discussing this next week!


Ashwini Deo (deo.13)
deo.13 at osu.edu<https://osu.instructure.com/conversations/5655347>

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