[Somean] [Faculty] Speaker Committee Selections for next year (fwd)

Kathryn Campbell-Kibler kbck at ling.ohio-state.edu
Sat May 21 17:08:43 EDT 2011

Just a nudge to Changelings and So Meaners to submit candidates for the 
open speaker slot for next year.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 12:09:45 -0400
From: Michael White <mwhite at ling.osu.edu>
To: faculty <faculty at ling.osu.edu>, grads at ling.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [Faculty] Speaker Committee Selections for next year

Hi all --- 
We on the Speakers Committee have come up with a plan for
inviting speakers for next year. Here it is, so please read this
message carefully.

Let me start by saying that when it comes to inviting speakers,
the Speakers Committee is responsible only for *three* speakers; the
rest of our events calendar is taken up with events fulfilling
graduate program milestones (like the ColloquiumFest), with workshops
(like the Martin Luther King Day gathering and various Targeted
Investment in Excellence events) and conferences, with other regular
departmental talks and such (e.g. the conversations on teaching, the
annual Pedagogy Lecture, faculty talks, etc.), and with events in other
departments that are of interest to many department members (such as the
annual Naylor Lecture in the spring).
With that in mind, and thus knowing that we couldn't be all things to all
people and moreover couldn't offer something to everyone every year, the
Speakers Committee for the past few years has been targeting various
"focal areas" in which speaker nominations are to fall, and has been
rotating these areas around the different constituencies in
the department.  The list of speakers invited in recent years and their
associated areas, according to our records, are listed at the end of this

For this year, we are going to follow a procedure that is essentially the
same as last year.  In particular, we are going to designate *two* focal
areas for invitees. The third invitee will be an "open-area" one.
 Moreover, we have decided that letting the focal area folks get together
and discuss amongst themselves who they want to invite and then
considering that to be a done deal worked pretty well, so we will
continue that; that is, the area group has the final word on who to
invite in that area.  For the open-area invitee, we have decided to
again make it an open "competition", in that any department member (or
any set of department members) may nominate someone and there will then
be a general vote on who to invite from among the nominees.

So, here is how we plan to implement this scheme:

1.  The two designated focal area groups are Commies (Logic, Language,
Information and Computation) and CaCL (Cognitive and Computational

2.  We thus invite all parties with an interest
in mathematical linguistics (if that is an accurate short description for
commies) to discuss with your fellow mathematical linguistics folks who
you would like to invite, and to let me know as soon as you have come up
with someone, but ideally by June 3.  Ditto for the cog/comp folks.
 These discussions can be done in the regularly-meeting discussion
groups (e.g. CaCL) or by a general call by someone in charge of
those groups, or the like.  We leave it up to you all to decide on the

3.   I will accept nominations for the third invitee spot until 11:59PM
(just before midnight) on Friday, June 3, and I will circulate a list of
nominees on June 4 for voting on by Friday, June 10 (the last weekday of
exam week).

Note that this timetable will allow deliberations to take place during
the quarter, and not stretch into summer.  

I think that covers everything relevant --- let us know if you have any

-Mike (on behalf of the Speakers Committee)


For the record, here is our list of discussion groups and recent speakers
in the associated areas:

Commies [never; new]
CaCL [never; new]
Changelings [4: Stump]
Speerlab [4: Bock]
Synners [4: Bhatt]
Phonies [1: Menard]
Clippers [1: Baldridge]
Pragmatics [1: Portner]
SoMean [0: Stuart-Smith]
Lacqueys [0: Sekerina]

This list is sorted by inverse recency (in years).
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