[Somean] Another volunteer gig

Kathryn Campbell-Kibler kbck at ling.ohio-state.edu
Thu Jun 3 08:41:43 EDT 2010

This one is a toughie, since it involves being away from the conference, 
but if we split it up, no one will miss too much.

We need people to oversee the arrival of the lunches and afternoon break 
food, a half hour before the eating time, so 11:30 and 2:30 on Friday 
(tomorrow!) and 11:30 and 1:30 on Saturday.  I especially need someone to 
do Saturday at 1:30, since I'll be presenting so I can't cover that one. 
For Friday lunch and Saturday break, these are break-out session times, so 
we'll also need to bring paper and markers over to the rooms in 
Mendenhall and put up flyers so people know where to go.

Thanks guys, and we're almost there!


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