[Pond-management-news] FW: Upcoming Algal Bloom Webinar July 7th . . . and pond news misc.
Braig, Eugene
braig.1 at osu.edu
Mon Jun 28 18:01:55 EDT 2021
I find the topic referenced below to be intriguing. I sit on the North Central Region’s Algal Bloom Action Team and thought you might find this webinar interesting regarding your own site and its management as well.
It might interest some of you to know that I am one of several co-investigators on a large research project funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to experiment with using ozone nanobubbles injected to lakes as a tool to both kill cyanobacteria/blue-green algae blooms and to break down any associated toxins. This is a potential alternative to conventional algaecide treatments. The technology is pretty cutting edge, and I’m excited about what we might find. Stay in touch if you’re curious.
In other news, my in-person events are beginning again. I’ll be speaking for a joint Shelby–Miami–Darke pond clinic the evening of 21 July. You can find details here: https://miami.osu.edu/events/tri-county-pond-clinic.
Ohio’s Farm Science Review is coming up in September, where I and several others will give several presentations related to pond management. I’ll also sit on an expert panel to answer questions live on site. Watch here as the calendar develops: https://fsr.osu.edu/gwynne-conservation-area and https://fsr.osu.edu/.
My virtual events will continue for a while as well: e.g., I’ll be speaking (remotely courtesy of Zoom) on ponds as habitat through the changing seasons and how stuff survives the winter for the Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program in Mahoning Co. (https://mahoning.osu.edu/program-areas/ohio-certified-volunteer-naturalist-program) in September.
Also, remember that I hold open office hours every Tuesday afternoon–evening to answer pond/lake management questions as they arise. Check out details here: https://senr.osu.edu/extensionoutreach/ponds-fisheries-aquatics/open-pond-clinic-zoom. I hope to chat with some of you there tomorrow afternoon!
And be well out there,
[The Ohio State University]
Eugene C. Braig IV Program Director, Aquatic Ecosystems
Ohio State University Extension School of Environment and Natural Resources
379a Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Rd. Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-3823 Office | 614-292-7432 Fax
braig.1 at osu.edu<mailto:braig.1 at osu.edu> osu.edu<http://osu.edu/>
My virtual office hours: https://senr.osu.edu/extensionoutreach/ponds-fisheries-aquatics/open-pond-clinic-zoom
My listserv: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/pond-management-news
From: North Central Region Water Network <ncrwn at extension.wisc.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 4:54 PM
To: Braig, Eugene <braig.1 at osu.edu>
Subject: Upcoming Harmful Algal Bloom Webinar July 7th at 11AM
FABS - maybe not so fabulous afterall?
[Algal Bloom Action Team Logo]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/cp9cqe/42yzog7/oqufbp__;!!KGKeukY!gO6buP6LSNWhGTzk2adI9PAkAJmynrZrm2Fm2t1ZI9W4FwxXW1FxeMLXypofC3g$>
[FAB near Lake Tahoe]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/cp9cqe/42yzog7/4ivfbp__;!!KGKeukY!gO6buP6LSNWhGTzk2adI9PAkAJmynrZrm2Fm2t1ZI9W4FwxXW1FxeMLX9gfQvlI$>
Nearshore Attached Filamentous Algal Blooms: A New and Growing Problem<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/cp9cqe/42yzog7/kbwfbp__;!!KGKeukY!gO6buP6LSNWhGTzk2adI9PAkAJmynrZrm2Fm2t1ZI9W4FwxXW1FxeMLX5vICOkU$>
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/cp9cqe/42yzog7/03wfbp__;!!KGKeukY!gO6buP6LSNWhGTzk2adI9PAkAJmynrZrm2Fm2t1ZI9W4FwxXW1FxeMLX1bIcX1Y$>Wednesday, July 7th at 12AM ET
We are all aware of the threat of harmful algal blooms in waterbodies with high nutrient levels, but why are algal blooms forming on the bottoms of clear lakes with low concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus?
Join our next Harmful Algal Bloom webinar on Wednesday, July 7th as Dr. Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, Professor of Biological Sciences at Wright State University, discusses her work on filamentous algal blooms and the rising threat they pose for nearshore habitats in lakes with high water quality. Dr. Vadeboncoeur will discuss the groundwater pollution, lake food webs, and the role of the public in better understanding this new threat to some of the world’s most iconic lakes.
Register Here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/cp9cqe/42yzog7/woyfbp__;!!KGKeukY!gO6buP6LSNWhGTzk2adI9PAkAJmynrZrm2Fm2t1ZI9W4FwxXW1FxeMLXjA-xKLI$>
The Algal Bloom Action Team is hosting a webinar series as a follow-up to January’s virtual symposium highlighting the latest HAB research. Webinar’s will be held bimonthly and presentations will last approximately 25 minutes with time for discussion at the conclusion of the session. This event is hosted by the North Central Region Water Network and recordings can be found by visiting our YouTube channel.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/t.e2ma.net/click/cp9cqe/42yzog7/chzfbp__;!!KGKeukY!gO6buP6LSNWhGTzk2adI9PAkAJmynrZrm2Fm2t1ZI9W4FwxXW1FxeMLXFU7M8Ek$>
Copyright © 2021 North Central Region Water Network, All rights reserved.
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