[Pond-management-news] Just a couple virtual pond-/lake-management events: attendance is free!
Braig, Eugene
braig.1 at osu.edu
Tue Apr 13 16:11:15 EDT 2021
Tomorrow evening (!), Wednesday, my friend Mark Warman of the Cleveland Metroparks will be speaking on recognizing a few species of invasive aquatic plants moving into Ohio's ponds/lakes for the Geauga-Portage biennial pond clinic. See details and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aquatic-invaders-in-our-backyard-ponds-tickets-147018461175
I'll be giving my "Top five" pond issues talk for Butler County's pond clinic. You'll find details and an e-mail address to register in a headline on this page: https://www.butlerswcd.org/
Both presentations will be accessible from any device that you use to connect to the internet. Advance registration is required for both.
I hope to virtually "see" some of you there.
And, of course, you're all always welcome to drop me a direct line at any time using any of the contact media below with your pond/lake management questions. (FYI, while I was isolated from my office phone during most of my COVID exile. However, software updates at OSU now have my office phone ringing to my work computer. You'll find me seated at it and eager to receive your calls during typical business hours. You'll find me unavailable approx. 1:30-3:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through April when I'm committed to teaching duties.)
[The Ohio State University]
Eugene C. Braig IV Program Director, Aquatic Ecosystems
Ohio State University Extension School of Environment and Natural Resources
379a Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Rd. Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-3823 Office | 614-292-7432 Fax
braig.1 at osu.edu<mailto:braig.1 at osu.edu> osu.edu<http://osu.edu/>
My virtual office hours: https://senr.osu.edu/extensionoutreach/ponds-fisheries-aquatics/open-pond-clinic-zoom
My listserv: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/pond-management-news
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