[Pond-management-news] FW: Great Lakes Aquaculture Day- October 10th
Braig, Eugene
braig.1 at osu.edu
Thu Sep 24 17:32:43 EDT 2020
Greetings, pondy friends.
In case any of you would be interested, this just in from Tory, a friend and colleague at Ohio Sea Grant.
[The Ohio State University]
Eugene C. Braig IV Program Director, Aquatic Ecosystems
Ohio State University Extension School of Environment and Natural Resources
379a Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Rd. Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-3823 Office | 614-292-7432 Fax
braig.1 at osu.edu<mailto:braig.1 at osu.edu> osu.edu<http://osu.edu/>
My virtual office hours: https://senr.osu.edu/extensionoutreach/ponds-fisheries-aquatics/open-pond-clinic-zoom
My listserv: https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/pond-management-news
From: All-agnr On Behalf Of Gabriel, Tory via All-agnr
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 12:46 PM
Subject: [All-agnr] Great Lakes Aquaculture Day- October 10th
Greetings all,
If you or your clientele are interested in aquaculture, please see the attached announcement for Great Lakes Aquaculture Day to be held on Saturday, October 10. You can see event details including agenda and registration at https://greatlakesseagrant.com/aquaculture/events/. Please share widely with anyone you think may be interested! If you're on Facebook, there's an event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1158082737911397/.
This event is coordinated by the Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative (GLAC), which is a focused group of Sea Grant Extension folks from across the Great Lakes region. You can learn more about GLAC at https://greatlakesseagrant.com/aquaculture/.
Target audiences for this conference include those interested in starting up their own aquaculture operations, current aquaculture farmers, those interested in marketing or cooking seafood, college students in aquaculture/fisheries programs, regulators, and terrestrial farmers looking to expand their operations. There will also be a cooking challenge, so if you know any culinary students you can send them to the announcement linked on the GLAC event page<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/greatlakesseagrant.com/aquaculture/events/__;!!KGKeukY!ikKnp2k07Yz5vLnhFw__7VBCmX8Ttv9Ra5LZnbxCo4PeBFi5sYc__Lj2Y50FmKyo4_M$>.
Thanks, and I hope you have a great rest of the week.
[The Ohio State University]
Tory A. Gabriel
Extension Program Leader & Fisheries Educator
Ohio Sea Grant College Program
240 W. Lake St., Unit C, Oak Harbor, OH 43449
New Phone: (419) 819-3141 E-mail: gabriel.78 at osu.edu<blocked::javascript:main.compose('new','t=gabriel.78 at osu.edu')>
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