[Heb-NACO] Fw: [ha-Safran] Fwd: ALA Affiliates : Call for Collaborators: Resolution on "Illegal Immigration" LCSH Subject Heading

Miller, Caroline crmiller at library.ucla.edu
Tue Apr 5 17:58:19 EDT 2022

Please see below.

Caroline R. Miller
Team Leader, Discovery Team
UCLA Library Resource Acquisitions and Metadata Services
2400 Life Sciences Building
621 Charles E Young Drive South
Box 957230
Los Angeles, CA  90095-7230

From: Hasafran <hasafran-bounces+crmiller=library.ucla.edu at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Emily Bergman via Hasafran <hasafran at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 9:34 AM
To: Hasafran <hasafran at lists.osu.edu>
Subject: [ha-Safran] Fwd: ALA Affiliates : Call for Collaborators: Resolution on "Illegal Immigration" LCSH Subject Heading

Any catalogers want to write an AJL support for the subject heading change?  I'm happy to help with whatever ALA stuff has to happen in my role as Co-Liaison, but I don't feel comfortable being the one to support the change.  Thanks, ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
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Any catalogers want to write an AJL support for the subject heading change?  I'm happy to help with whatever ALA stuff has to happen in my role as Co-Liaison, but I don't feel comfortable being the one to support the change.  Thanks, Emily

Emily Bergman
AJL Co-Liaison to ALA
emilyannebergman at gmail.com<mailto:emilyannebergman at gmail.com>

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From: Kevin Strowder via ALA Connect <Mail at connectedcommunity.org<mailto:Mail at connectedcommunity.org>>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 9:47 PM
Subject: ALA Affiliates : Call for Collaborators: Resolution on "Illegal Immigration" LCSH Subject Heading
To: <emilyannebergman at gmail.com<mailto:emilyannebergman at gmail.com>>

Call for Collaborators: Resolution on "Illegal Immigration" LCSH Subject Heading The Services to Refugees, Immigrants, and Displaced Persons ...
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Apr 4, 2022 11:33 PM
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Call for Collaborators: Resolution on "Illegal Immigration" LCSH Subject Heading

The Services to Refugees, Immigrants, and Displaced Persons (SRIDP) Sub-Committee of the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services Advisory Committee is looking for other ALA member groups and individual members to help draft and support a resolution to change the Library of Congress subject heading from "illegal immigration" to "undocumented residents/noncitizens."  If you or a group you represent are interested in drafting and/or endorsing this resolution, please reach out to Anna Kozlowska, chair of SRIDP at akozlows at uic.edu<mailto:akozlows at uic.edu>.

Additional Context from SRIDP:

In 2021, a group of ALA members drafted a communication request to change the subject heading "illegal aliens." After months of no clear answers, the group went to the Legislation Committee chair to request support in communicating with the ALA Washington Office and with the Library of Congress. It was then announced on November 12th, 2021 that, "at today's Library of Congress Subject Editorial Meeting. Beacher Wiggins, Director for Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access at the Library of Congress, said that the subject heading "aliens" will be replaced by "noncitizens" and the subject heading "illegal aliens" replaced by "illegal immigration." While a step in the right direction, the newly subject heading focused on the action with the use of "illegal" and takes away the humanity of undocumented individuals. For 2022, we are looking to gather other ALA members to help draft and support a new resolution that will request that the subject heading of "illegal immigration" to be changed to "undocumented residents/noncitizens." This revised subject heading keeps the humanity of the individuals affected by their circumstances and moves away from categorizing them by specific actions, but rather focuses on their shared identities while residing in the United States of America.

Kevin Strowder
Director MPS/Diversity
American Library Association

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