[Heb-NACO] link to the video recording - RAS Cataloging meeting

Neil Manel Frau-Cortes nfrau at umd.edu
Fri Jun 18 10:16:20 EDT 2021

Dear all,

Many thanks to all who attended yesterday's RAS AJL Cataloging Committee
meeting. Minutes are still being edited. However, if you missed, you can
now watch a video recording.

Meeting Recording
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://umd.zoom.us/rec/share/c8W81XNKShQes_LmzJXQHNpLQl4aKzBx2-SDLV86e1ByrB0wbZnUN0sY0N3riLft.cheFbke_3xiJryuY__;!!KGKeukY!jRKObMjReoGIDT1XJC_PhPOnHC9SrCdNIdXgyMrwteboCR1XCRmvElu9SIb5JQ_aK0m5$ >
Access Passcode: 128AT$l?

Many thanks and Shabbat Shalom,


*Neil M. Frau-Cortes, Ph.D. *(he, him, his)

*Assistant Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services*

*(Metadata Creation & Enhancement)*

University of Maryland

2200 McKeldin Library

College Park, MD 20742

Phone (301) 405-9337

nfrau at umd.edu

ORCID ID: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1881-1405__;!!KGKeukY!jRKObMjReoGIDT1XJC_PhPOnHC9SrCdNIdXgyMrwteboCR1XCRmvElu9SIb5JXf8WItd$ 
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