[Heb-NACO] [EXT] - Re: Sacred work

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 25 15:50:07 EST 2021

Yes, we do  not put commentaries under liturgy.

As  per LCSH:

Commentaries   [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://classweb.org/img/gum16x11.png__;!!KGKeukY!ij_A8O6vpKdmrminZErBcgw-_WBrCyYE6-u0n2nYvhzumNY3V7xA3s7LcRvuIfHRoucV$ ]
Use as a form subdivision under uniform titles of sacred works for commentaries on those works.
Use as a topical subdivision under uniform titles of sacred works for works about commentaries on those works.

Heidi G. Lerner

Metadata Librarian for Hebraica and Judaica

Metadata Dept.

Stanford University Libraries

Stanford, CA 94305-6004

ph: 650-725-9953

fax: 650-725-1120

e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu

From: Heb-naco <heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Marlene Schiffman via Heb-naco <heb-naco at lists.osu.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 9:00 AM
To: Neil Manel Frau-Cortes <nfrau at umd.edu>; Hebrew Name Authority Funnel <heb-naco at lists.osu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Heb-NACO] [EXT] - Re: Sacred work

I might be like Haggadah which does not take “Commentaries.” Only bible and Talmud do. That was my understanding.

Marlene Schiffman

Metadata and Services Department

Gottesman Library

Yeshiva University

500 West 185th Street

New York, N.Y. 10033

Gottesman Library

Room 301

646 592 4276

From: Heb-naco <heb-naco-bounces+schiffma=yu.edu at lists.osu.edu> On Behalf Of Neil Manel Frau-Cortes via Heb-naco
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 8:21 AM
To: Heidi G Lerner <lerner at stanford.edu>; Hebrew Name Authority Funnel <heb-naco at lists.osu.edu>
Subject: [EXT] - Re: [Heb-NACO] Sacred work

**External Email**

I think this is a great question, and probably the fruit of applying an anglocentric category to a body of literature that doesn't match. We should consider if anything we call sifre kodesh is actually a sacred text in the spirit of the LC category.

That said, even inside of the sphere of sifre kodesh, I think that the Zohar is major, called Zohar ha-kadosh, which is a qualificative we don't find applied to many other rabbinic works. This brings me to the question: what else is Sacred Texts in our cannon? Other than the Tanakh, should we include the Talmud (Mishnah, Tosefta?)? I wouldn't include the midrash as a number of rishonim, like Duran, consider it to be holy, yet "not to be taken literally." Yet, the Zohar is midrashic in nature. It's all a conundrum. If people are interested, perhaps we can talk more about that in our RAS Cataloging Summer meeting, since the Winter's agenda is already quite full.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 11:47 PM Heidi G Lerner via Heb-naco <heb-naco at lists.osu.edu<mailto:heb-naco at lists.osu.edu>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a question: for purposes of correct application of LC Subject Heading Manual and RDA, is the Zohar considered a Sacred work.

Thanks , Heidi

Heidi G. Lerner

Metadata Librarian for Hebraica and Judaica

Metadata Dept.

Stanford University Libraries

Stanford, CA 94305-6004

ph: 650-725-9953

fax: 650-725-1120

e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu<mailto:lerner at stanford.edu>

Heb-naco mailing list
Heb-naco at lists.osu.edu<mailto:Heb-naco at lists.osu.edu>


Neil M. Frau-Cortes, Ph.D. (he, him, his)

Assistant Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services

(Metadata Creation & Enhancement)

University of Maryland

2200 McKeldin Library

College Park, MD 20742

Phone (301) 405-9337

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