[Heb-NACO] Fw: Announcement of the RBMS BSC Rare Materials Catalogers Directory

Miller, Caroline crmiller at library.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 8 11:52:33 EST 2021


For those of you working with rare books (collecting, cataloging, etc.), please consider adding yourself to this directory.  It would be very helpful for Judaica and Hebraica to be represented.


Caroline R. Miller
Team Leader, Discovery Team
UCLA Library Resource Acquisitions and Metadata Services
2400 Life Sciences Building
621 Charles E Young Drive South
Box 957230
Los Angeles, CA  90095-7230

From: Program for Cooperative Cataloging <PCCLIST at LISTSERV.LOC.GOV> on behalf of Liz Adams <elizabeth.adams at DUKE.EDU>
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 5:38 AM
Subject: Announcement of the RBMS BSC Rare Materials Catalogers Directory


The<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbms.info/committees/bibliographic_standards/__;!!KGKeukY!mUVrQboOPw5KaHxPXzVA-o8p0ECV6sAmPUtVMYKfYjt7PRcRcyGOSY1r1RDT9dvayJbjU6xxcuoSMw$ > Bibliographic Standards Committee (BSC) of the Rare Books & Manuscripts Section (RBMS) is pleased to announce the launch of its new resource, the RBMS BSC Rare Materials Catalogers Directory. This directory is intended to connect individuals and institutions seeking guidance related to the intellectual access and care of rare materials with experienced cataloging and metadata library workers. Potential questions may involve descriptive bibliography, metadata transformation in preparation for digitization, cataloging materials from specific genres or time periods, etc. Although the primary audience of this resource is catalogers, participants may have additional experience in other areas.

We encourage anyone involved in the cataloging and metadata management of rare materials to participate in the directory. To do so, please fill out the form found on the homepage of the Directory website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rbms.info/experts/__;!!KGKeukY!mUVrQboOPw5KaHxPXzVA-o8p0ECV6sAmPUtVMYKfYjt7PRcRcyGOSY1r1RDT9dvayJbjU6yklbRYmA$ .

The Rare Materials Catalogers Directory is a work in progress, and any and all feedback is greatly appreciated by the editors. If you have any questions or comments about the directory, please consider reaching out to the editors using the below address: directoryeditor at rbms.info<mailto:directoryeditor at rbms.info>.


Liz Adams (on behalf of the editors of the RBMS BSC Rare Materials Catalogers Directory)

Liz Adams

Rare Materials Cataloger

David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Duke University

Durham, NC 27708

elizabeth.adams at duke.edu<mailto:elizabeth.adams at duke.edu>


she/her/hers<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://studentaffairs.duke.edu/csgd/training-resources/gender-pronouns__;!!KGKeukY!mUVrQboOPw5KaHxPXzVA-o8p0ECV6sAmPUtVMYKfYjt7PRcRcyGOSY1r1RDT9dvayJbjU6yTjFCLHg$ >


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