[Heb-NACO] RAS Catalogers Winter Meeting - call for agenda items

Ahava Cohen Ahava.Cohen at nli.org.il
Tue Dec 22 11:44:07 EST 2020

The new Toolkit's Community Resources section and the Judiaca/Hebraica community – what sort of content should be in the section and who should be responsible for it.

From: Heb-naco [mailto:heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of Neil Manel Frau-Cortes via Heb-naco
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 5:32 PM
To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
Subject: [Heb-NACO] RAS Catalogers Winter Meeting - call for agenda items

Dear all,

I hope you are well and that you had a great Hanukkah. This is a quick reminder that we will hold our RAS Catalogers Winter Meeting on January 11, 9:30am-11:30am EST. This is our first mid-year meeting experience, as usually we only meet at the annual AJL  conference in the Summer. As it happens in our annual meeting, only the committee members get to vote but all the Hebrew catalogers are invited to participate.

At this time, this is a call for agenda items. Please send any subjects you think we should discuss.

The members of the RAS Cataloging committee are really looking forward to this opportunity to talk and work together!

Kol tuv,

Neil and Jasmin, on behalf of the committee.


Neil M. Frau-Cortes, Ph.D. (he, him, his)

Assistant Head, Cataloging & Metadata Services

(Metadata Creation & Enhancement)

University of Maryland

2200 McKeldin Library

College Park, MD 20742

Phone (301) 405-9337

nfrau at umd.edu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/nfrau@umd.edu__;!!KGKeukY!geBimdZioGdtvbWLdrnZO5I3Tdin58EvdeuxNxar3BcyjiNeOy43EPfQf5Z0uPdClABE$>

ORCID ID: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1881-1405__;!!KGKeukY!m8BOG4TlT2KF_ykJlh8KwvPP1wHZ_-sdFS4lQdf3snSy52ZJ3PHtQH2XjcZzd5x1W6of$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/orcid.org/0000-0002-1881-1405__;!!KGKeukY!geBimdZioGdtvbWLdrnZO5I3Tdin58EvdeuxNxar3BcyjiNeOy43EPfQf5Z0uGxDfgtf$>

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