[Heb-NACO] update from the AJL RAS cataloging committee

Dickel, Geraldine geraldine.dickel at yale.edu
Thu Jun 28 09:57:09 EDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Here is an update from the meeting of the AJL RAS Cataloging committee:

  1.  Rav Milim (online) and Morfix (online) are now authorized sources of romanization of Hebrew words not found in Even-Shoshan.  The most recent edition of Even-Shoshan remains our primary source for romanization.  Rav Milim and Morfix are two different interfaces to the same database so there should be no conflict between the two.  Rav Milim is by subscription and Morfix is free.
  2.  We will Romanized דיט as deṭ, following the rule in our cataloging manual that states that a yod is only Romanized as a consonant when followed by a vowel (HCM p. 19).
  3.  We will Romanize unvocalized ברסלב as Braslav, from this point forward.  We will not go back and “fix” earlier records lest we inadvertently make the mistake of incorrectly changing the romanization of a vocalized ברסלב.
  4.  In the case of a vocalized Tetragrammaton (yod-heh-vav-heh), best practices will be as follows:
     *   If it is vocalized with the vowels for Adonai or Elohim, we will Romanize according to the vowels, i.e., Adonai or Elohim. The cataloger has the option of adding a 500 note stating that the tetragrammaton is vocalized.
     *   If it is vocalized with patah and segol we will romanize it as Yahṿeh.
Note: this is a statement of best practices, not a rule.  We should follow this practice in the OCLC master record, but each cataloger has the option to make a different choice in their library’s local catalog based on what would be best for their library and their library users.

  1.  Haim Gottschalk will be leading a project to write a Hebrew grammar for catalogers.
  2.  We will continue to hold off on major editing of our Hebraica catalog manual until it becomes clearer how LC and PCC will handle updated RDA.
  3.  My term as chair of the committee has come to an end, and I am very happy that Heidi Lerner is now our chair.

Best wishes,
Jerry Anne
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