[Heb-NACO] Superwork that's also a compilation

Kuperman, Aaron akup at loc.gov
Mon Nov 14 15:53:11 EST 2016

It seems the compilation has a legitimate title by which it is known.  And if there are going to be multiple works with the same title, you will probably want to qualify them by the subtitle.  “Works. Selections. Date. Work letter following the date if needed”  doesn’t seem to help users, all of whom will be asking for the work by its title.  Once you adopt a rule that  a work is now known by its title, you’ve defeated the purpose of cataloging which is to enable a user to find materials of which the title is known (and that rule goes back over a century - even before my time).

Aaron Kuperman, LC Law Cataloging Section.
This is not an official communication from my employer

From: Heb-naco [mailto:heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of Robert M. TALBOTT
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 3:26 PM
To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
Subject: [Heb-NACO] Superwork that's also a compilation


I have the first volume of Le-ha'ir on sidur tefilah by Yehi'el Me'ir Tsuker, which is a compilation.  This particular volume is sihotav, though the subtitle from the cover intimates that the entire work will include derashot,peninim me'irim and sipurim niflai'm, so 24010 Works. $k Selections seems in order.

And it does appear to be a part of a superwork. A "le-ha'ir" work on zemirot ha-shabat by the same author was published in 2011, so this multi-volume set appears to be the next installment.  For the record, we don't have this particular volume, so I have to rely on what's in the OCLC bib.

What's causing me issues is whether or not we have any sort of Hebraica riders in place as far as super works are concerned.

My sense is that, per RDA as-is, the authority would look like this:

1001 Tsuker, Yehiel Meir. $t Works. $k Selections
4001 Tsuker, Yehiel Meir. $t Le-hair (Sidur tefilah)

This is correct, right?  We don't have any sort of decision lurking in the wings that would flip this, do we?


Bob Talbott

Principal cataloger/Hebraica cataloger

UC Berkeley

250 Moffitt

Berkeley, CA 94720

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