[Heb-NACO] Fwd: FirstSearch question: Search/sort by languages

Jasmin Nof jnof at upenn.edu
Wed Jul 2 11:12:11 EDT 2014

Answer to another question posed at the session.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	FirstSearch question: Search/sort by languages
Date: 	Wed, 2 Jul 2014 14:39:48 +0000
From: 	Whitacre,Cynthia <whitacrc at oclc.org>
To: 	Jasmin Nof <jnof at upenn.edu>

Hello Jasmin:

Someone asked me a question, and I think it was someone from the 
University of Texas, but I did not keep track of the name.  He asked me 
about languages in FirstSearch and why there were so many listed as 
"other" rather than being specific.  I think his question was about 
sorting, but I'll answer searching first.

Searching and limiting by language of item in searching FirstSearch:

In the advanced search box, there is a place one can limit by language.  
The default is a drop down box and a list of about 20 languages appears, 
followed by "other".  One can, though, click on "Show all languages..." 
right next to that drop down box and get every possible language to then 
show in the drop down box.

If he meant sorting a result set by language, then I think that once you 
get to a result set, you can "limit" by language.  Clicking on the 
"limit" by language one is shown a list of languages in the result set, 
and one can select the ones you want.  I don't see "other" in that list.

I hope this helps somewhat.  If this doesn't answer the question, let me 
know.  If he can clarify a bit more, I'll do my best to find an answer.

Thank you,


Cynthia M. Whitacre

Manager, WorldCat Quality & Partner Content Dept.


800-848-5878, ext. 6183

whitacrc at oclc.org <mailto:whitacrc at oclc.org>

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