[Heb-NACO] Mahazor vs. Mahzor

Miller, Caroline crmiller at library.ucla.edu
Thu Feb 27 13:22:53 EST 2014


This feels like a stupid question but I’ll ask it anyway.  I am cataloging a מחזור.  Would the transcription of the word in the 245 be “Mahzor” or “Mahazor?”  I see it both ways in recent records in the LC catalog.



Caroline R. Miller
Team Leader, Discovery Team
UCLA Library Cataloging and Metadata Center
Box 957230
11020 Kinross Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7230
E-mail:  crmiller at library.ucla.edu
Phone:  (310) 825-4446
Fax:  (310) 794-9357

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