[Heb-NACO] יאקאב

Robert M. TALBOTT rtalbott at library.berkeley.edu
Tue Dec 9 17:50:42 EST 2014

I agree that the name is in all likelihood Germanic. Sure enough, the
Leksikon fun der nayer Yidisher literatur actually gives an entry for
Ya[dot]kov, Moysheh. For my money, that's authoritative as far as the 100
goes and a provisional record can be avoided.

I think the remaining three forms are reasonable, and I'd include them as
x-refs just to make access likely, but cataloger judgement should carry the

"Zh" is of course the English speaker's phonetic rendering of the French
"J", so I don't think I'd automatically add "Zhakob" to the list of
possibilities unless it was attested to in print. My two cents.

Enjoy the holidays folks.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Barry Walfish <barry.walfish at utoronto.ca>

>  My guess is that it's Germanic: Yakob/Jakob. The first two don't seem
> worth bothering with.
> Barry
> Barry Dov Walfish, Ph.D.
> Judaica Specialist
> University of Toronto Libraries
> Toronto, ON M5S 1A5
> Canada
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Heb-naco [heb-naco-bounces at lists.osu.edu] on behalf of Taub,
> Aaron [atau at loc.gov]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 09, 2014 4:48 PM
> *To:* heb-naco at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> *Subject:* [Heb-NACO] יאקאב
>   Dear Colleagues,
> Is anyone familiar with the family name יאקאב?
> We have not been consistent so far in establishing this name.  The
> following forms can be found in the Authority File:
> Yakab
> Yakav
> Yakov
> Yakob
> I can establish it provisionally with the various references, but was
> wondering if anyone had definitive knowledge.
> Thanks,
> A
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Bob Talbott

Principal cataloger/Hebraica cataloger

UC Berkeley

250 Moffitt

Berkeley, CA 94720

We're happy as fish,
as gorgeous as geese,
and wonderfully clean in the morning.
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