[Heb-NACO] Place of publication, publisher, not identified

Rini Goldsmith marina.goldsmith at nli.org.il
Tue Dec 17 02:01:22 EST 2013

I would like to correct what I wrote.  

The term chosen for "Place of Publication not indentified" is [מקום הוצאה לא ידוע], but only for those cases where it is not possible to make an educated guess.  

Riny Goldsmith
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 11:20 AM
To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
Subject: Re: [Heb-NACO] Place of publication, publisher, not identified

The Inter-University Committee on Cataloging considered various possibilities for the Hebrew translation "Place of Publication not indentified". In the end it was decided to keep within the spirit of RDA and to accept the literal translation of the term, even though we all felt that it might not be as understandable to the end user.

 When it comes to contemporary publications in Hebrew, I agree with Yossi. Today the catalogers in NLI try to identify at least the country in which the resource was published and to enter that in the 260 field. (we have not yet begun RDA cataloging) However, we do not have the manpower to review and change the many records created with ח"מ=חסר מוציא לאור  or  חמו"ל=חסר מוציא לאור.

As Heidi pointed out in her first email, those of you cataloging in the U.S. should use the English language terms. In Israel we will use the Hebrew translation מקום ההוצאה לא זוהה  for those resources where we cannot identify even the country.

Riny Goldsmith
National Library of Israel

From: heb-naco-bounces+marina.goldsmith=nli.org.il at lists.service.ohio-state.edu [heb-naco-bounces+marina.goldsmith=nli.org.il at lists.service.ohio-state.edu] On Behalf Of Yossi Galron [jgalron at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:30 PM
To: Hebrew Name Authority Funnel
Subject: Re: [Heb-NACO] Place of publication, publisher, not identified

I "hate" the term Place of Publication not identified = I think that most Hebrew books are printed in Israel, and if we can not find the city/town/place in Israel - we should put there ישראל or Israel

The other question is what happens to  some American Rabbinical publications (i.e. the author is an American that resides in the USA), but he publishes his book (or the book is printed) in Israel. Is it an Israeli publication or is it an American.

And this reminds me of Israeli children's books that are published is in Israel, but manufactured in China (I saw it especially with Cardboard books for tots)

So back to the original question - I would use "Place of publication not identified" only in extreme rare cases (even books from the late 19th cent. or early 20th century that were published in the Russian Empire of that time - I would label as [Russia or Poland] in the 264 field.

Just my thoughts,

Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger
E-Mail: galron.1 at osu.edu<mailto:galron.1 at osu.edu>  or jgalron at gmail.com<mailto:jgalron at gmail.com>
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918
Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature: http://go.osu.edu/hebrewlit

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Rita Lifton <rilifton at jtsa.edu<mailto:rilifton at jtsa.edu>> wrote:
Under RDA, what phrases are libraries using for works in Hebrew that lack place of publication and/or publisher? Is the practice to spell out the exact phrases that were formerly abbreviated i.e “[חסר מקום]” and “[חסר מוציא לאור]”? I came across documentation from NIL and noted that they appear to use “[מקום ההוצאה לא זוהה]” and “[מוציא לאור לא זוהה]”. The latter phrases seem to be more exact translations of “[place of publication not identified]” and “[publisher not identified]”. I would appreciate your input.

Rita Lifton
(On behalf of the Cataloging Dept.)
Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary

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