[Heb-NACO] RDA NACO trainnig for Hebraica NACO contributers

Heidi G Lerner lerner at stanford.edu
Wed Jul 25 00:38:26 EDT 2012

Dear Hebrew NACO Funnel members/contributors and institutional Hebraica NACO contributors, 

As I reported earlier (email to Heb-NACO listserv March 30, 2012 ), PCC is working to transition NACO participants into creating RDA authority records. PCC Day One for RDA Authority Records is March 31, 2013 . What this means is that access points used in all new RDA and AACR2 bibliographic records with authentication code “pcc” must be supported by RDA authority records ( http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/rda/RDA%20FAQ.html ). 

The Hebraica NACO Funnel made arrangements with the PCC Secretariat to offer formal RDA NACO Training, to coordinate the required webinars that have been prepared by the PCC Secretariat, and to supervise the mandatory review period for our community. This initial training is only available for independent and experienced NACO Hebraica catalogers. We have been assigned August- September 2012 . The webinars are freely available to NACO catalogers and you should watch them during the training period ( http://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/courses/rda_naco/index.html ). Joan and I will prepare some supplementary materials during this training period. We are also working on a platform to be coordinated with the Heb-NACO listserv which will serve as a forum for general RDA questions that will come up as all of us transition into the new cataloging environment based on the RDA Toolkit. 

The review period will follow roughly the same guidelines as when catalogers underwent initial ‎ NACO training. Catalogers will submit all newly created NARS to me for review. These will be looked at by both Joan and me; we will send them back with our comments. When we think that an individual cataloger is ready for a formal review, he or she will be notified. Joan and I both underwent the NACO review that was required of all official RDA testers. 

In the meantime I hope that you are getting yourselves familiar with the Toolkit and other documentation that can be found at the PCC and other websites. Please feel free to contact Joan and me with any questions that you might have. 

Heidi Lerner (Coordinator, NACO Hebraica Funnel) 
Cc: Joan 


Heidi G. Lerner 
Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger 
Metadata Development Unit 
Stanford University Libraries 
Stanford, CA 94305-6004 
e-mail: lerner at stanford.edu 
ph: 650-725-9953 
fax: 650-725-1120 

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