[Csrfac] SSSR Call for Papers: Due Saturday, March 31, 2018

Edwards, Korie edwards.623 at osu.edu
Thu Mar 29 09:57:23 EDT 2018

Hello Everyone,

It would be fabulous to have a strong Ohio State contingent at this meetings during my presidential year!  I hope you will consider submitting a paper. Submissions close this Saturday.


Korie L. Edwards
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
President, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

Call for Papers

2018 Annual Meeting
Las Vegas, NV
Tropicana Hotel
October 26-28

Religion and Power:
The Creation, Reproduction and Deconstruction of Social Orders

The study of religion, power and social orders is at the core of social scientific inquiry. Social scientists like W.E.B. DuBois, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Clifford Geertz, Zora Neale Hurston and Gordon Allport, among others, recognized the critical role religion plays in the distribution of power and, consequently, the creation, reproduction and deconstruction of social orders.  Historians too reveal how religion, across time and geographic space, is at the foundation of societies, both great and small, and the impetus behind social change.  We repeatedly see religion being used by the already powerful to sustain their power and existing social orders as well as by the less powerful to disrupt those same social orders and claim or reclaim more power.  Upon surveying present-day religious, political, and economic realities, we once again see such processes unfolding.  The time appears ripe, then, for social scientists to reinvest our energies in empirical and theoretical examinations of religion, power and social orders.

These meetings aim to have a methodologically, theoretically and epistemologically diverse program.  Thus, the concepts of religion, power and social orders are broadly understood.  Religion includes, for example, religious practices, attitudes, beliefs, values, ideologies, emotions, relationships, organizations, and institutions.  Power is any form of control or influence.  Social orders exist at the micro level (e.g., personal, relational) and macro level (e.g., institutional, societal, global) and anywhere in between (e.g., racial, socioeconomic, organizational, communal).  Additionally, proposals that draw upon qualitative or quantitative methods will be considered.  Proposals that assume either prevailing (e.g., positivist) or emerging (e.g., intersectional) epistemological approaches are encouraged.

We invite all social scientific paper and session proposals on religion to be considered for our 2018 meetings in Las Vegas, NV.  We especially invite paper and session proposals that address the theme of these meetings.  All proposals must be submitted via the on-line submission system that will be available on the SSSR’s web site: http://sssreligion.org/annual-meeting/call-for-papers<http://sssreligion.org/annual-meeting/call-for-papers/>.

Submissions Open: February 01, 2018
Submissions Close: March 31, 2018
Decision Notification: April 30, 2018

Please direct all inquiries to Melinda Denton (Department of Sociology, University of Texas at San Antonio), the Program Chair for the 2018 Annual Meeting.  Contact information: Melinda.Denton at utsa.edu
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