[Comicsstudiessociety] New journal of note: Queer Aesthetics

Charles Hatfield charles.hatfield at gmail.com
Sun May 9 17:14:10 EDT 2021

Colleagues, may I call your attention to a new e-journal, *Queer Aesthetics*,
that seems like a promising venue for comics studies work?:


*Queer Aesthetics* is "an interdisciplinary, free-access journal dedicated
to the pursuit of equitable representation in the arts. " It promotes "the
queering of normative structures in the arts" and aims to "evaluate/dismantle
the exclusionary patterns centered within our arts programs, education
systems and institutions." It welcomes creative as well as critical work.

I imagine that comics scholarship that repositions comics vis-a-vis
traditional academic paradigms, and/or work that questions the very
paradigms of comics studies itself, could find a welcoming home there.

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